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Organizations are embracing cloud to benefit from the scalability, responsiveness and cost-efficiencies that cloud computing offers. The transformation to a cloud environment is a significant enterprise undertaking that has a tremendous impact on the way IT organizations operate and the way services are delivered to business users

Getsetgo views cloud as a paradigm that enables organizations to operate more efficiently, while also further enables a service-based IT delivery model, resulting in improved responsiveness to business needs.

Cloud computing as a style of computing provides the following benefits:

Standardized, IT-based capability provided by "off the shelf" or commoditized hardware components, use of large scale virtualization beyond processors storage, core applications and development platforms

Consumption-based billing on the basis of actual usage, and "pay-per-use" economics, for very small contract durations Scalability: From the customer perspective:

The ability to add capacity on the fly. From the provider perspective: Build in "elasticity" and scale on demand Flexible access models, such as web-based interfaces for administrative and usage needs, provide ease of consumption as a key differentiator

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